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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jack Welch on Immigration

Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, has some interesting perspectives on immigration from a practical perspective. Key quote:

It’s a managerial one, and any plan that suggests that the US deport illegal workers violates one of management’s cardinal rules: you have to face reality. Forget the notion that illegal immigrants will suddenly heed “the law of the land” and pack their bags.

The problem with the debate on immigration is that it is not a question of black and white at this point. The United States has neither the resources nor the motivation to round up 11 million individuals and deport them. It simply is not going to happen. With that said, what do we do? This is one those areas that there is going to be no "right" answer. However, it seems that most Americans are united in their belief that something should happen.

Nichols & Eberth, PC ask:

1. What would you do with the illegal immigrants currently in this country?

2. Are you in favor or amnesty and/or a path to citizenship for those here illegally?

3. What should happen to employers who hire illegal immigrants?

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Anonymous said...

I think that a majority of Americans would support some sort of amnesty program for those illegals who are already here provided that we could control ooour borders, especially our border with Mexico. However, I don't think that this is possible. Where there is a will, there is a way. My son is a former Border Patrol Agent. In his opinion, we would have to quadruple the number of agents to see any significant results. Otherwise, the Border Patrol is just a "speed bump."

Anonymous said...

The entire illegal immigration would be resolved if we simply went after those employers who hire illegal immigrants and either fined them heavily or put them in jail. The laws to do this are already on the books; however, agressive enforcement will never happen while Bush and Cheney are in office.

N&E5 said...
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Anonymous said...

Why don't we just deport them back via boat and build a fence like the Israelis have done. Israel has somehow built a relatively impenetrable fence, why can't we?

Or why don't we just allow the open market to dictate what we should, or should not do

Anonymous said...

I agree with Deadeye that agressive enforcement of our laws is key.